Save Energy, Even In An Apartment

Real Estate Articles

Most energy efficiency tips require replacing appliances or making renovations. As an apartment dweller, these options usually aren't available to you. Instead you can focus on the things you can control to ensure that your utility bills are as small as possible.

Change Out Your Light Bulbs

Energy efficient light bulbs are simply the right choice for your apartment. Most landlords will install incandescent bulbs because they are cheaper. However, CFL or LED bulbs will save you significantly over their lifespan.

Many apartments have one or two fixtures that are specialized, but most will take standard light bulbs. When you first move in, check to make sure all the lights work, then unscrew them, and pack them away in some of your leftover moving boxes. This way, you can put them back in when you move out, so you do not have to leave your more expensive, energy efficient bulbs behind when you move.

CFL bulbs contain dangerous gases that are released when the bulb breaks. This means that these style bulbs aren't good candidates for moving, and you should only buy them if you are planning on staying for several years. However, LED bulbs have come a long way in the past few years, and may now be the ultimate choice for renters. While they are more expensive up front, they are durable and safe, so you can easily pack and transport them without concern. Just as with CFL bulbs, the excess cost will be covered by the energy the bulb saves you over the next few years.

Winterize as Best You Can

You don't have the option of replacing a leaking door or window, but that doesn't mean you can't take action against the energy sink.

  1. Check your local regulations. Some areas have laws that could require the landlord to fix the leaks. This is more likely if you live in an area with harsh winters.
  2. Talk to the landlord. Remind them of their legal responsibility if they have one, but always remain polite. Since this is not a "critical" repair, not every landlord will be sympathetic to your cause.
  3. If the landlord declines to help, invest in your own sealants. Door stops and plastic sheets for your windows are cheap and easy to install. While not as good as actually fixing or replacing the windows and doors, they are still an effective measure against the cold.

Set Your Thermostat Properly

You don't get to decide what kind of heater and AC unit you have, but you will, in most cases, be able to set the temperatures. That means you can turn the temperature up in the summer and down in winter. While there are limits on what you will find comfortable, keeping the indoor temperature closer to the outdoor one will save you big on your utility bills. If your apartment is less than energy efficient, you will see an even bigger difference than for someone who's home is otherwise optimized.

If you are a little handy, you can even install a programmable thermostat. This allows you to set temperatures even closer to the outdoors when you are not home. Just as with the light bulbs, you might want to keep the old thermostat tucked away so you can keep your investment when you move.

Everyone can do things to save energy, and that includes you, even though you live in an apartment. While you might not be able to make major renovations, you can still make small choices that add up to make savings over their lifespan. Maybe you can even convince your landlord of the value that additional energy efficient investments would bring to their property.


12 November 2014

Investment Property Purchases: What You Should Know

Once I paid of the mortgage on my house, I decided I wanted to buy an investment property. I had no idea that the buying process would be different, but it really was. There were so many things to consider that I hadn't thought about, and even the loan application process was different. It occurred to me that if I didn't know about it, others likely didn't either. I built this site to help others see what I went through buying my first investment home. I hope that it helps you to approach the process with more confidence and understanding.